What do I do after a dog bite?

What do I do after a dog bite?

Some people may ask, “what do I do after a dog bite?” Well, after a dog bite injury, it’s really important first and immediately to call the police. Having some kind of law enforcement to come to the scene, whether it’s police, the sheriff’s department, animal control is critical. You want that incident report created. You want to know the contact information for the owner. Often times, the citation is going to be given to the owner which is huge.

The other thing is just making sure that you get the medical treatment that you need. If you’ve been injured, a lot of times, people want to downplay that and say, “I’m okay. It’s going to be okay.” If you’ve been injured by a dog, you need to seek treatment right away. Go to the hospital. Follow up with the primary care physician. Do whatever needs to be done. Take pictures. Document injuries. That’s so huge with dog bite injuries. Making sure you have witness contact information. And then, finally, it’s really important to call a dog bite attorney.

You want to focus on your treatments and getting better. If you do not want to have to focus on calling insurance adjusters or calling witnesses or things like that, an attorney is really going to put your case in good hands. Our office can provide that for our clients.

Give us a call at Dickerson Oxton. We’re here to help.