Who Is Liable for Taxicab Accidents?

When two passenger vehicles collide, determining liability comes down to discovering which driver caused the accident. If accidents involve taxicabs or other driving services, liability is more complex. Depending on the type of taxi accident and the taxi service structure, many different parties may face partial or total liability for the incident and resulting injuries. To learn more about liability in taxi accidents, read on or consider speaking with a Kansas City car accident attorney.

Taxi Accident Liability

Taxi accidents can happen in two ways: a taxi can hit your passenger vehicle and injure you and your passengers, or you may be a passenger in a taxi when an accident takes place. In either case, liability comes down to the primary causes of the incident. Possible liable parties in these accidents may include:

  • The taxi driver. A taxi driver who behaves negligently on the roadways may cause an accident that injures passengers, other vehicle occupants, pedestrians, and/or others on the roadways.
  • The taxicab company. Some cab drivers work as part of larger organizations that may certify and insure their drivers. Depending on the business structure, the company itself may be responsible for accidents drivers cause.
  • A passenger vehicle driver. Official cab drivers receive training before heading out on the roadways. They follow the rules of the road and rarely cause accidents themselves. While on the roads however, they can’t always avoid another driver’s unsafe driving.
  • Auto manufacturers. Occasionally, driver error doesn’t play a role in taxi accidents. An automotive defect, poor design, or inadequate warning can cause an accident or injury. In these cases, attorneys refer to product liability laws to hold auto manufacturing companies strictly liable for resulting accidents.

In some accident cases, liability doesn’t rest with just one party. Multiple drivers may share the blame for some accidents, which can make taxicab accident claims complex for insurance companies and those who suffer injury.

Challenges in Taxicab Accident Claims

If a taxi with passengers collides into a passenger vehicle, the driver and/or the taxi company may face financial responsibility for multiple injuries. One of the most significant challenges in taxi accidents involves finding full and fair compensation for everyone injured. Unfortunately, attorneys can’t (under normal circumstances) fight an insurance company for more than the limits of the policy, or recover damages from a cab driver/company that can’t feasibly pay them.

In cases involving two at-fault parties, insurance companies may fight over legal liability and settlement values. Without an attorney representing injured claimants, the insurers could remain gridlocked until the injured party agrees to accept an unfair settlement.

Although taxi-related accident claims can get tricky, an Kansas city injury attorney seasoned in this area of law will look for all possible sources of compensation. In some cases, injury victims may look to personal injury protection or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to cover injury costs.

What to Do After a Taxicab Accident in Missouri

After a taxicab accident, use your phone to document as much of the scene as possible. Take photos, record witness contact information, ask for insurance information for all drivers involved, and record all of your injuries. Allow the emergency responders to evaluate you, even if you believe you were not injured. If you do not go to the hospital for your injuries, you may want to visit your healthcare provider for an examination soon after the incident to create a record. Some injuries take time to manifest after an accident.

Since taxicab accident claims are often complex and involve multiple parties, you may want to retain legal representation as soon as possible after the incident. Avoid discussing your claim with an insurance adjustor until you speak with an attorney. A taxicab accident attorney can conduct an independent investigation to determine liability and request a fair and full settlement offer on your behalf.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney in Kansas City

If you have questions about the specifics of a car or taxi cab accident in Kansas City, our attorneys are here to help. Our law firm offers complimentary initial consultations. To contact an experienced auto accident lawyer, please call (816) 268-1960 or contact us via our online form.