
What do I do after a dog bite?

Dec 8, 2017

What do I do after a dog bite? Some people may ask, “what do I do after a dog bite?” Well, after a dog bite injury, it’s really important first and immediately to call the police. Having some kind of law enforcement to come to the scene, whether it’s police, the sheriff’s department, animal control…
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8 Most Common Causes of Medical Errors

Dec 4, 2017

Medical errors are now the third leading cause of accidental death in the United States. Roughly one in seven Medicare patients will experience a medical error in some capacity every year. Medicine is an inherently uncertain field, but medical professionals and the organizations that provide medical care have an obligation to their patients to minimize…
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Is product liability a tort?

Dec 1, 2017

Is product liability a tort? Some people would ask me, “is product liability a tort?” Product liability is a fancy way or a legal term for cases in which there is a dangerous product that has injured someone. All a tort is, is a word for injury. When we talk about product liability cases, yes, a product…
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