
What is medical malpractice?

Nov 3, 2017

What is medical malpractice? What is medical malpractice? Medical malpractice is when a physician or a medical provider that has a patient relationship with an individual and fails in some way. For example, they could either fail to do something that they should have done or they actually do something that should never happen and…
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What constitutes medical malpractice?

Oct 27, 2017

What constitutes medical malpractice? What constitutes medical malpractice? Medical malpractice, in terms of the legal definition, is when a medical provider violates what’s called a standard of care. For example, a doctor is negligent if they fail to do something that they should have done. Or, if they did something in the manner that was…
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Is Drywall Dust Harmful?

Oct 23, 2017

Aside from facing the potential injuries from a construction accident, in the construction industry, workers deal with drywall on a routine basis. They install it and tear it out when necessary. Unfortunately, both the drywall itself and the joint compound (mud) used contain hazardous substances. Short- and long-term exposure to drywall dust can cause adverse…
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