
Overview of Medical Malpractice Laws in Missouri

Mar 6, 2017

Doctors and other health care professionals swear an oath to do no harm to their patients. As Kansas City medical malpractice lawyers, we recognize some physicians may make reasonable or understandable mistakes due to the inherently uncertain nature of medicine, but they are still held to a higher standard when it comes to acting with…
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How to Pursue a Malpractice Claim Against a Cosmetic Surgeon

Feb 20, 2017

All physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and other licensed medical professionals bear a responsibility to deliver an industry-recognized standard of care. While you can’t sue a cosmetic surgeon if you don’t like the results, you can hold him or her accountable for failing to meet certain expectations. How Does Cosmetic Surgery Differ From Other Treatments? Cosmetic surgery…
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Overview of Missouri’s Parental Responsibility Laws

Feb 13, 2017

Nearly every state in the country recognizes some form of parental responsibility laws. The laws give harmed individuals the ability to hold a parent liable for all or some of a child’s damaging acts. In some states, a plaintiff can hold parents liable for the full amount of damages. Other states limit liability to a…
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