Kansas City Broken Bone Injury Attorney Near You

You’ll need a seasoned Kansas City broken bone injury attorney like the personal injury attorneys at Dickerson Oxton, LLC  to successfully recover compensation for damages if you have experienced an unfortunate accident involving broken bones due to someone else’s negligence. You know all too well the pain that can come from a broken bone and the length of time the healing process can take. Children and older adults are particularly at risk for broken bones stemming from injuries which have the potential to either drastically impact their skeletal structure or can even lead to malformed bones or bone cancer. Regardless of your age, if you were the victim in an accident in Missouri, and negligence resulted in your injuries, you may be entitled to compensation.

Schedule a Consultation with a Kansas City Broken Bone Injury Attorney

If you have been the victim of an accident resulting in broken bone injuries, do not hesitate to contact Dickerson Oxton, LLC and our compassionate broken bone injury lawyers in Kansas City, MO. Our attorneys have years of experience in protecting their clients’ rights and ensuring that they receive compensation for their injuries. Broken bones may seem like a relatively minor injury, but they can result in severe conditions that can cause decreased mobility and further complications. Contact our attorneys today to set up your initial free consultation.

Broken Bone Liability in Kansas City, MO

If you or a loved one have received a broken bone injury due to the negligence of another person, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. Broken bones not only result in tremendous medical bills but can also lead to months of rehabilitative services and maybe even lack of mobility.

The cause of many broken bone injuries lies in the negligence of another person. Your Kansas City personal injury lawyer will try to prove that your injury would not have occurred but for the actions of the negligent party. This can sometimes be difficult to prove which is why you need to hire an experienced broken bone injury attorney. As a worker or visitor to property, your employer or the property owner has a duty to maintain a safe place for you. If you are injured as a result of their lax safety standards, you are entitled to receive compensation for your injuries. Additionally, if a product that caused your injuries was defectively manufactured, you are entitled to receive compensation from the manufacturer and company for your injuries.

How Much Compensation for a Broken Bones Case?

One of the questions you should ask your personal injury attorney during an initial consultation is, “How much is my case worth?” The answer will depend on numerous factors, but your lawyer will be able to review the facts of your case and give an accurate estimate. A broken bones case could be worth a few thousand dollars up to multiple millions depending on the situation. The Kansas City attorneys at Dickerson Oxton have been able to secure six- and seven-figure awards for clients in the past. However, many factors can impact compensation.

  • Severity of injuries. The main factor determining the amount of compensation a plaintiff will receive is the severity of his or her broken bone injury. Severity of injury can directly impact how much the victim will have to pay in medical bills and lost wages. Multiple compound fractures that require surgery and cause significant disability, for example, will likely be worth more during a claim than simpler broken bones cases.
  • Income of the plaintiff. The plaintiff’s average weekly wage could affect a compensation amount if he or she seeks restitution for missed work because of the broken bone injury. A plaintiff with higher wages and higher capacity to earn could receive more in this compensation category than others. Income capacity will only come into play if the victim’s injuries will permanently interfere with the ability to return to work.
  • Where the accident occurred. Different types of personal injury accidents come with different rules and regulations in Kansas City. A workplace accident, for example, may come with a damage cap under workers’ compensation laws. How and where the injury occurred can determine the maximum amount of compensation available, as well as the outlets for recovery the victim may have.
  • Likelihood of a win during trial. Attorneys always try to settle claims with insurance companies without having to go to trial. If the courts are likely to find the defendant guilty of negligence during a trial, the defendant will be more willing to offer a higher settlement award. Likelihood of the plaintiff losing, however, could result in a lower settlement offer.
  • Skill of the attorney. A personal injury lawyer becomes the victim’s negotiator during the claims process. The experience, skill, resources, and network of the lawyer can impact the success of settlement negotiations. Hiring an attorney with previous positive outcomes in similar cases can improve the odds of a higher compensation award.

How Does a Jury Determine Pain and Suffering Damages?

Pain and suffering damages are more difficult to predict than economic damages during a broken bones case. While economic damages come from medical bills and other proven costs, non-economic ones are more speculative. They attempt to put a dollar amount on the victim’s pain and suffering. The Kansas City courts do this by putting the decision in the hands of a jury.

A jury will listen to a plaintiff’s story during a personal injury trial, with the goal of finding out how much the injury has or will impact the victim’s life. Most juries will then use the multiplier method to calculate pain and suffering damages. This method multiplies economic damages by a factor from one to five, depending on the severity of the injury. The answer will be the amount the plaintiff receives in non-economic damages. Kansas and Missouri cap non-economic damages at $250,000 in some cases.

If you are curious about the potential value of your Kansas City broken bones case, contact a personal injury lawyer and request a free case evaluation. Our attorneys will review the facts of your case and give an honest, accurate estimate of what we believe your case could be worth. Getting this estimate before talking to insurance claims adjusters can help you avoid settling for less than your case is worth.

Types of Broken Bone Cases We Handle

Children are often the victim of broken bone injuries due to their carefree attitude and their lack of caution when performing activities. Most children have received a broken bone from a fall before they are 10, although if their injury was the result of someone else’s negligence, you are entitled to receive compensation for their injuries.

Older adults begin to lose bone mass up to 1-2% annually once they reach age 50 and therefore the risk for fractures greatly increases at this point. If you are involved even in a relatively minor car accident after the age of 50, injuries which may have been minor decades ago could well result in broken bones. Therefore, if someone negligently causes a severe accident, the likelihood of broken bone injuries is much higher.

Car accidents are not the only negligent activities which cause broken bones. Others may be the result of:

Contact An Experienced Kansas City Broken Bone Lawyer

Each potential accident stems from the negligence of either a business owner, product manufacturer, or property owner and a knowledgeable Kansas City broken bone injury lawyer will be able to guide you through the correct legal process, depending on who was responsible for your injuries. For a free consultation for your injury needs, contact our law office today at (816) 268 1960 for a free case evaluation.

Our Personal Injury law firm in Kansas City, MO also provides:

Visit Our Personal Injury Law Office in Kansas City, MO

Dickerson Oxton, LLC
1100 Main St #2550,
Kansas City, MO 64105

(816) 268 1960

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