
If I Was Injured at a Trampoline Park, Can I Sue?

Jul 18, 2016

Trampoline parks are a growing trend in many states, and some businesses even offer rooms full of trampolines for visitors’ enjoyment. Videos of trampoline parks are going viral on the Internet, showing gymnasts and ordinary visitors doing extraordinary stunts. These parks have foam pits, obstacle courses, and group activities to keep children and teenagers active…
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How Can I Reduce My Liability as a Property Owner?

Jul 11, 2016

According to federal and state premises liability laws, property owners have a duty to uphold a certain standard of care to every person who enters their properties. Standards of care include maintaining a safe premises, warning visitors of potential hazards on the property, and conducting regular safety checks. If you’re negligent with your duties as…
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What Should I Do If I Was Injured at an Amusement Park?

May 9, 2016

A trip to Silver Dollar City or Six Flags is almost a guarantee for an amazing day. Unfortunately, these parks do have some inherent dangers. For example, be prepared with plenty of water and rest whenever you need it. Guests take some assumed risk whenever they visit a Missouri theme park. Though accidents related to…
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