How To File An Auto Insurance Claim in Kansas City

Missouri has a required minimum insurance coverage of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident, along with $10,000 to cover any third-party property damage. In order to file a claim, you will need the following information:

  • Your full name and policy number, along with its start and end date.
  • Date and time of the accident.
  • Names, addresses and phone numbers of all other involved drivers.
  • Driver’s license and license plate numbers of the other driver.

All of this is why documenting the scene of the accident is so important. Along with collecting the pertinent information of the other driver, you should photograph any street signs or lights, talk to witnesses and accurately assess property damage, if you are able. The more facts you have, the more likely you are to win your settlement claim. It bears repeating that you should never admit fault; even saying “I’m sorry” could be misconstrued as an admission of guilt. At the scene, limit your conversation of the accident to the police officer and your own insurance agent.

After the accident, call your insurance as soon as possible to give them these details. Every situation is different and may require unique documentation; your insurer will provide you with any necessary forms. There will need to be a damage assessment on your vehicle in order to determine the cost of the repairs. Filing a claim with your insurance has become much simpler. If your insurer has an app, you can do so without even talking to anyone.

Should I Give a Written Statement to Insurance?

This is not required by law and is generally a bad idea. The other person’s insurance adjuster may ask whether you took any over-the-counter medicine or if something upset you earlier on the day of the accident. Your answers to these questions, however mundane and irrelevant you think they are, could be used against you as proof that you were at fault.

It’s a different story if you are talking to your own insurance. They may require you to sign something as part of their own protocol. If you are unsure what to do in this regard, or if something just doesn’t seem right to you, an experienced Kansas City car accident attorney can help you determine any potentially compromising actions in the aftermath of an accident.

When Not To Talk

After you have been in an automobile accident, you can pretty much be guaranteed that you will be contacted by the other party’s insurance company. This communication may come via letter or phone call. It is of the utmost importance to respectfully decline to speak with anyone associated with their insurance company without legal counsel present. Insurance adjusters will often call you asking for more information or an option to “settle now.” These tactics were developed by insurance agencies in order for them to maximize profits and leave victims devoid of any kind of compensation.

Talk to a Car Accident Attorney

If you were involved in a car accident and sustained injuries, don’t hesitate to contact the Kansas City personal injury attorneys at Dickerson Oxton. Get in touch with us for a free consultation.