Trampoline Safety Tips This Summer

As you and the kids stay home for summer due to COVID-19, you may turn to a trampoline as a form of entertainment. Trampolines have been providing fun to families for decades. Unfortunately, they have also been a significant source of serious child injuries. Trampoline jumping is a high-risk activity for children. It is so dangerous, in fact, that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAPP) strongly discourages parents from buying trampolines. Stay safe this summer with a few staple trampoline tips.

What Are Common Trampoline Accidents and Injuries?

The AAPP states that over one million victims – most of whom were under the age of 17 – went to emergency rooms for trampoline-related injuries from 2002 to 2011. The most common injury treated was a bone fracture (one-third of cases). A child could break a limb when landing on the ground after falling or being bounced off a trampoline, or when colliding with other jumpers. A fracture is just one of many types of serious injuries that could come from using a trampoline.

Using a trampoline is an inherently dangerous activity. Many trampoline injuries arise when the victim is using the trampoline correctly. Collisions between multiple people on the trampoline and falls from the structure can cause serious injuries. In other cases, trampoline injuries occur due to dangerous product defects, such as a trampoline mat that rips while in use. In these cases, parents of injured children may be able to file product liability claims against the item’s manufacturer for damages with a Kansas City product liability attorney.

Lawsuits for Trampoline Injuries

If you or your child gets injured while using a trampoline in Kansas City, you may be able to file a lawsuit in pursuit of financial compensation for your losses. Your ability to hold someone else accountable for the injuries will depend on the circumstances of the accident. You need to establish another party’s negligence, such as someone’s neglect to supervise children on a trampoline. Negligence is the failure of a defendant to do what a normal and prudent party would in the same circumstances.

You may also be able to file a strict product liability lawsuit if the trampoline contained a manufacturing, marketing or design defect. Strict liability means you will not have the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. A successful Kansas City trampoline injury lawsuit could repay your family for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, legal costs, and many other damages.

How to Stay Safe on a Trampoline?

Trampoline injuries can be painful and extremely disruptive to a victim’s life. It is important for all consumers, especially parents with young children, to use caution while on trampolines. Take certain steps to decrease the risk of a trampoline accident in your family.

  • Set your trampoline up on a level surface.
  • Position the trampoline safely away from trees, houses and hazards.
  • Use safety nets around your trampoline.
  • Make sure the trampoline has protective pads on all springs and the metal frame.
  • Only allow children over six years old on the trampoline.
  • Limit trampoline use to only one person at a time.
  • Supervise children on trampolines and at trampoline parks.
  • Do not allow trampoline tricks or risky moves.
  • Remove a trampoline ladder when not in use to prevent kids from jumping unsupervised.

If someone gets a trampoline injury, take him or her to the hospital immediately. Keep records related to the victim’s medical care, including bills, records and x-rays. Take photos of the trampoline if it has a noticeable issue or defect, such as a rip in the surface mat. Then, contact a Kansas City personal injury attorney for a discussion about your rights.